Hey you!

This website is just a concept I created for my portfolio (like a template), but if you'd like me to create something similar for you, just send a message. Let's talk about you project!

let's work together
the eskina collaboration
About us
How we came together
As individual practitioners with our own experience and expertise, we often found ourselves working in areas where an interdisciplinary team - including not just a diversity of skills but also new perspectives and ways of thinking through complexity - would bring added value to our respective work. We found ourselves wanting to be challenged and to be supported. We found ourselves asking tough questions with no easy answers. We were each looking for more, and realized we already had the building blocks in each other – our existing colleagues, friends, and relations.  

It was from this place of curiosity and a desire to always be learning, that The Eskina Collaboration was born. As individual practitioners, we each bring a network of experts and evolving theories and best-practice from our respective fields. As a collaboration, we maximize these spaces, approaching our work with novelty, interest, and passion, and bringing a diversity of useful tools to support our clients’ needs.
As individual practitioners with our own experience and expertise, we often found ourselves working in areas where an interdisciplinary team - including not just a diversity of skills but also new perspectives and ways of thinking through complexity - would bring added value to our respective work.


  • We respect each other, our associates, partners, clients, and all who could be impacted by our work. We are fundamentally guided by what matters to the people and communities we work for, and we respect the health of our shared environment.

Relationship-oriented Collaboration

  • We recognize and draw on the strengths of each other, our clients, and our collaborators, and we prioritize positive physical and mental health for ourselves and those we work with. We build and maintain relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and learning, and we always aim to create inspirational, safe, and comfortable spaces for the exploration of hard topics.

High Impact Work

  • We pursue and conduct high quality, creative, and forward-thinking work that is relevant, actionable, and aligns with our vision. We work on tangible projects that move forward. We are reliable, transparent, and responsive to ourselves and those we work with.

Continuous Learning

  • We learn from each other, from our colleagues, and from our clients. We learn from the complexity and interconnectedness of the world in which we work, and we remain engaged in emerging theories, research, and best-practice in our respective fields.

Collectively, we have over 35 years of experience working with Indigenous communities, organizations, and governments.
Survey design
Data collection and analysis
Statistical analysis
Data sovereignty and management
Research ethics
Policy development
Knowledge translation/mobilization
Indigenous law
Decolonizing research methods
Compensation methods
Decision analysis
Climate justice and adaptation
Land and marine planning
Environmental assessment
Conflict resolution
Cumulative effects management
Organizational development
the eskina team

Esther Usborne, PhD

How can Indigenous nations and organizations conduct their own research and fully make use of their own data to support health, wellness, and self-determination?

This question has driven Esther’s work over the past 15 years in various research, policy, and program environments. She is passionate about supporting Indigenous-led research and data initiatives and believes that data can empower and play a unique and powerful role in de-colonization and Indigenous governance.

Nicole Kaechele,
PhD Candidate, MREM

How do we reflect what matters to people in collaborative governance spaces?

This question has been at the core of Nicole’s work and research over the past 15 years. Nicole is passionate about working with people in the places they call home. A primary focus in her practice is understanding what matters to people, and ensuring these values form the foundation of more equitable and resilient partnerships. This focus, alongside her commitment to leveling the playing field across diverse decision-making contexts and supporting the ongoing need to decolonize our systems of governance, drives her dedication to supporting collaborative spaces across diverse scales.

Anna Usborne, MRM

How can Indigenous nations and public governments improve the health of their lands, waters, and communities through effective working and governance relationships?

This question drives Anna’s multiple avenues of work and pushes her to continuously collaborate for more creative, more effective, and more implementable solutions.